Flute: Dr Ramachandra Murthy | Guitar: Neeraj |
Concept, Production & Direction: Shrinivaas Bhagi
Flute solo for Meditation. Played melodiously by Dr. Ramachandra Murthy using an original bamboo flute, this rare album "Waves of Melody" is all about attaining peace of mind and the "No Thought Level" in the Meditation process. An original guitar, played very pleasantly by Neeraj, is also used occasionally in the entire program in the backdrop. This album is made totally under the guidance of Shrinivaas Bhagi, who has learned Transcendental Meditation in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram.
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Concept, Direction, Production, Rendition: Shrinivaas Bhagi
An album of OM chanting in its purest form for Meditation. Most of us are aware of the sound of 'OM' - the primordial sound in the universe. The sound 'OM' is a consequence of the combination of three letters, rather sounds, that is, 'Aa+Voo+Um.' In this combination, the first sound 'Aa' specifies Lord Brahma the Creator, the second sound 'Voo' indicates Lord Vishnu the Sustainer, and the third sound 'Um' denotes Lord Maheshwara, the Destroyer. The amalgamation of these three Lords is known as Pranavam. The symbolic sound of these Lords, as a whole, is termed as the 'Pranava Nadam - OM.' Each and every sound made in this universe falls in the spectrum of the Sapthaswaras that is, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni, which form the base of Indian music. In turn, the complete spectrum of Sapthaswaras emerges out from the 'Pranava Nadam - OM.' We present in this album, the unique sound of Om chanting in its purest form for people who would like to do Dhyanam / Meditation everyday. Play this album while doing your daily meditation in the morning (preferably) or in the evening or night, and you will observe that in course of this practice there is an equilibrium state established in your mind and body. This equilibrium state will fetch you good health, increased inner energy levels, good memory, power, and will enable you to control stress and anxiety, reduce anger, and will have many more benefits. There are two tracks in this album, both of which are identical. The duration of each track is around 20 minutes each.
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Flute: Dr Ramachandra Murthy | Guitar: Neeraj |
Concept, Production & Direction: Shrinivaas Bhagi
A unique album of Tanpura (Tambura) solo for meditation. In a constant bid to be materialistically successful, man seems to have relegated his need for spiritual growth to the background. However, consciously or unconsciously, every man ultimately craves for mental peace and seeks for means to achieve the same. Our humble endeavor has always been to assist our listeners achieve this target with the help of our music. 'VIBRATIONS' is not just music meant for meditation. It is music for your soul. The reverberations of the age-old divine Indian Instrument - Tambura will soothe and stimulate your jangled nerves. Begin and end your day with 'Vibrations.' Take a bath and feel physically fresh. Light a couple of incense sticks and let the fragrance of the sticks spread out in the entire room. Seat yourself in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, play 'Vibrations' and meditate for 20 minutes reciting internally the powerful Beeja Mantra - AUM. Let the soothing meditation music of Vibrations engulf you and carry you calmly into the world of tranquility. Then, note the difference. Feel yourself rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to face the challenges of the day.
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Concept, Production & Direction: Shrinivaas Bhagi
In this album, we present a rare combination of various birds sounds juxtaposed with ocean waves for a superb effect. This is a live recording of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean and is great for simple and light meditation. In the Indian context, the sound of ocean waves is identified with the sound of OM- the primordial sound. We have captured the original sounds of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean for the purpose of meditation. In this album, we have used the melody of ocean Waves along with fresh, crisp sounds of different types of birds recorded outdoors exclusively for this purpose. The ocean waves resonate inherently like OM. This album is intended for two purposes. One is for meditation and the other is for easy listening.
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Concept, Production & Direction: Shrinivaas Bhagi
Meditation with Ocean Waves for light meditation. Live recording of Atlantic Ocean waves. 'Meditate with Nature' series. In the Indian Context, the sound of Ocean waves is identified with the sound of OM- the primordial sound. We have captured the original sounds of the waves of the Atlantic Ocean for the purpose of Meditation. In this album, we have used the melody of Ocean Waves for 40 minutes of duration and these waves resonate inherently like OM. This album is intended for two purposes. One is for Meditation and the other is for easy listening. To use this album for Meditation, play it where ever you are comfortable, set the volume at a reasonable level that soothes your ears and practice Meditation for at least 20 minutes in the morning before going to your work place and 20 minutes in the evening after retiring from your work. On the other hand, listen to this album in a comfortable place and try to visualize the Ocean waves in your mind. Experience the refreshing effect it has on you and the positive change it brings about to your aptitude and quality of work.
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Concept, Production & Direction: Shrinivaas Bhagi
Meditation with Om and Ocean Waves for deep meditation. Live recording of Atlantic Ocean waves. 'Meditate with Nature' series. In the Indian context, the sound of Ocean waves is identified with the primordial sound ? OM. Here we present before you those melodious waves of the Atlantic Ocean (specially captured), along with a very melodious,long OM chanting that comes from the inner self of the renderer. That means,while rendering OM, the recitation comes from deep within almost from the navel and ends at the nasal area. We present this rare combination of Ocean waves and OM vibrations to you for Deep Meditation. At least 25 minutes of deep meditation every day with these vibrations will certainly give you excellent results in your health and aptitude. Further, Meditation awakens your inner self and helps you become vibrant, matured and healthy. We hope that you achieve positive resultswith this rare combination of OM vibrations & the melody of Ocean Waves.
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